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DRESDEN – Jay ‘One’ Ramier – Future/Memory [VIDEO]


Seit einigen Tagen ist die Gruppenausstellung FUTURE/MEMORY in Dresden geöffnet, mit neuen Arbeiten der Fotgrafen Boogie und Martha Cooper sowie den Künstlern Horfee, Cody Hudson, HuskMitNavn, Stefan Marx, Cleon Peterson, Skki, Superblast und Jay”One” Ramier aus Paris. Wir waren vor Ort und haben uns im Vorfeld während der Vorbereitungsphase umgeschaut und mit einigen Künstlern sprechen können. Im ersten Videointerview mit JAY ONE erzählt uns der symphatische ‘Black Picasso’ etwas über seinen Raum (Body Rock) im Rahmen von FUTURE/MEMORY.

JAY “ONE” RAMIER from Paris better known as “Black Picasso” stands for the first generation of european Graffiti writer from the early 80′s that transformed the New York influence to something new with an old world sensibility. We sat down with JAY to have a smalltalk about the group exhibition Future/Memory in Dresden (Germany) and his work dedicated to the show.

The Future/Memory Exhibition

is part of the Street Culture @ Hellerau Festival.

The Future/Memory exhibition brings together a diverse range of international artists who have establishedtheir career in the contemporary art world from diverse street culture backgrounds and influences. The intention was to investigate the various angles of these artists on their social environment through the medium painting, drawing, photography, video, installation or conceptual work. The range of works differ from a more lighter point of view to an equally existing gritty dystopian aspect of the streets.

Curated by SuperBlast

Artists: Boogie, Martha Cooper, Horfee, Cody Hudson, HuskMitNavn, Stefan Marx, Cleon Peterson, Jay”One” Ramier, Skki, Superblast

Street Culture @ Hellerau
June 22 – July 7th
open daily 16h-20h
Festspielhaus, Admission free!
Opening: Sat June 22, 7pm, Festspielhaus

HELLERAU – European Center For The Arts Dresden
Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 56
01109 Dresden

ilovegraffiti.de / ARTE Creative
VIDEO: Red Tower Films

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